There are numerous marketing benefits to adopting new technologies at your ASC.
Almost every ASC is a wonder of modern science. We live in an age where an elderly patient can walk into an ASC in the morning, have a significant lumbar spine surgery, and walk out the same day. And the various devices, procedures and systems being activated on a daily basis at ASCs are continuing to expand outward into more and more possibilities every day.
The principle of new technology is clearly something that ASC owners and managers must be mindful of in order to succeed in today’s competitive environment. From a marketing perspective, a new piece of equipment or a new procedural approach can frame the basis of your messaging plan for a year or more.

Almost every ASC is a wonder of modern science. We live in an age where an elderly patient can walk into an ASC in the morning, have a significant lumbar spine surgery, and walk out the same day. And the various devices, procedures and systems being activated on a daily basis at ASCs are continuing to expand outward into more and more possibilities every day.
The principle of new technology is clearly something that ASC owners and managers must be mindful of in order to succeed in today’s competitive environment. From a marketing perspective, a new piece of equipment or a new procedural approach can frame the basis of your messaging plan for a year or more.
You can run ads that say, simply, “now featuring the new x system for proven superior outcomes with procedure y,”or something similar. And that may be sufficient to make you different – or at least to be perceived differently – than you were prior to attaining such technology.
There are numerous marketing benefits to adopting new technologies at your ASC.

You can run ads that say, simply, “now featuring the new x system for proven superior outcomes with procedure y,” or something similar. And that may be sufficient to make you different – or at least to be perceived differently – than you were prior to attaining such technology.
There are numerous marketing benefits to adopting new technologies at your ASC.
As we’ve just mentioned, the “perceived difference” is the initial reason, but think about how that evolved perception can benefit you further downstream: if you’re the only ASC with a new technology in the immediate area, you’ve cornered the market from a basic business perspective. But in other cases, you may generate more curious inquiries around that new technology, and although they may not turn into an immediate procedure featuring that new tech, it may help your ASC form new relationships with both patients and referring health systems.
While the primary reason for adopting new technology is the procedural benefit it may provide, the ancillary benefits can be very lucrative as well. You may generate significant press or publicity opportunities for your ASC; it may help you attract new physicians into your practice; it may also generate more topline revenue.
Now the principle of technology is not without its risks– there’s always an adoption curve around new devices or procedures, and deciding WHICH tech to adopt may be your biggest challenge. It’s important to find a proper fit between your ASC and the market you serve. Another issue, of course, is payor coverage. While a new technology may be perfect for a patient population, it may lag significantly if payors don’t provide a coverage decision right away.
The key to the principle of new technology is to find the proper balance between the services you provide, the market you serve and the reimbursement landscape around that technology area. But when you do, you can exploit these benefits in your market and gain considerable share of mind and perceived superiority among your rivals.
As we’ve just mentioned, the “perceived difference” is the initial reason, but think about how that evolved perception can benefit you further downstream: if you’re the only ASC with a new technology in the immediate area, you’ve cornered the market from a basic business perspective. But in other cases, you may generate more curious inquiries around that new technology, and although they may not turn into an immediate procedure featuring that new tech, it may help your ASC form new relationships with both patients and referring health systems.
While the primary reason for adopting new technology is the procedural benefit it may provide, the ancillary benefits can be very lucrative as well. You may generate significant press or publicity opportunities for your ASC; it may help you attract new physicians into your practice; it may also generate more topline revenue.
Now the principle of new technology is not without its risks– there’s always an adoption curve around new devices or procedures, and deciding WHICH tech to adopt may be your biggest challenge. It’s important to find a proper fit between your ASC and the market you serve. Another issue, of course, is payor coverage. While a new technology may be perfect for a patient population, it may lag significantly if payors don’t provide a coverage decision right away.
The key to the principle of new technology is to find the proper balance between the services you provide, the market you serve and the reimbursement landscape around that technology area. But when you do, you can exploit these benefits in your market and gain considerable share of mind and perceived superiority among your rivals.